Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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Certification Revenue Estimate 2018-19, Revised July 2018Table 3: General Revenue-Related Balances and Available Revenue

In Millions of Dollars
Description Amount Balance
Fiscal 2018 Balances
Beginning General Revenue Fund Cash $3,508
Less: Texas Department of Insurance Account ($146)
Less: Higher Education Institutions Accounts ($551)
Less: Lifetime License Endowment Account ($28)
Less: Dedicated Oil Overcharge Account ($72)
Less: Dedicated Lottery Account ($241)
Less: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Operating and Trust Accounts ($10)
Less: Texas Enterprise Account ($230)
Less: Emerging Technology Account ($1)
Less: Statewide Electronic Filing Account ($6)
Less: Governor's University Research Initiative Account ($43)
Less: Constitutionally Dedicated Victims of Crime Accounts ($63)
Less: Texas Military Revolving Account ($0)
Less: Federal Elections Improvement Account ($4)
Less: Judicial and Court Personnel Training Fund Account ($1)
Less: Permanent Funds for Health and Tobacco Education, Children and Public Health, Medical Services and Health Facility Capital Improvement ($21)
Less: BP Spill Oil Fund Account ($4)
Less: Reserve for Economic Stabilization Fund Transfer ($1,469)
Beginning Balances in Funds 2 and 3 $266
Balances Available for Certification $883
Fiscal 2018-19 Revenues
Estimated Tax Collections $99,597
Estimated Other Revenue Collections $14,382
Total Estimated Net Revenue $113,979
Fiscal 2018-19 Other Adjustments
Change in Dedicated General Revenue Account Balances $1,237
Reserve for Economic Stabilization and State Highway Funds Transfers ($5,930)
Total Adjustments ($4,693)
Total Fiscal 2018-19 Estimated Available Revenue and Balances $110,169
Less: Fiscal 2018-19 Estimated Expenditures ($107,495)
Fiscal 2018-19 Ending Certification Balance $2,675

Note: Totals may not sum because of rounding.
Source: Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.