Location challenges are individual consumer challenges to location data for a single location. These will be accepted directly through the map interface. If the address, building type, unit count or physical location point on the map is displayed incorrectly for your home or business, or if the location is missing entirely, you can submit a location challenge.
If your address is incorrect (number missing, zip code incorrect, etc.), continue and submit a location challenge by clicking the blue “location challenge” link.
Select “Incorrect Location Address” from the dropdown list. On the challenge form, you can check a box stating “This location lacks an address” if there is an address missing from your location search or provide the correct address if the address is listed incorrectly.
If the number of units displayed for your location are incorrect, continue and submit a location challenge by clicking the blue “location challenge” icon.
If incorrect, continue and submit a location challenge by clicking the blue “location challenge” link and select “Location is Not Within Correct Building Footprint” from the dropdown menu. Drag the blue pin to the correct spot on the map.
If the searched location is not a Broadband Serviceable Location (BSL), click the “location challenge” icon. The FCC does not consider the following locations BSLs:
Download the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Map Challenge Flowchart (PDF) and the updated FCC Map Challenge Toolkit (PDF).
If your question is not addressed here, Email us.