E-cigarettes are battery-powered vaporizers that simulate tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke. They generally use a heating element known as an atomizer that vaporizes e-liquid, a liquid solution that usually contains a mixture of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine and flavorings; however, some e-liquids do not contain nicotine.
E-cigarettes and e-liquids do not contain tobacco.
No. E-cigarettes and e-liquids do not meet the statutory definition of a cigarette, so they are not subject to the cigarette tax. However, they are subject to state and local sales taxes.
Yes, e-cigarettes are subject to sales and use tax.
No. E-cigarettes and e-liquids do not meet the statutory definition of a cigarette, so they are not subject to the cigarette tax. However, they are subject to state and local sales taxes.
Yes. Cigarette distributors pay cigarette tax when they receive cigarettes for the purpose of making a first sale in Texas. Customers pay sales tax when they buy cigarettes from the retailer.