Our current users report that EDI cuts the time needed to file a return by 50 to 75 percent, while avoiding paper and postage costs.
In addition, many taxpayers are required to pay electronically.
Electronic filers must comply with existing report due dates.
If you transmit your tax payment with your report, you must complete the transaction before 2:30 p.m. CT on the last banking day before the due date.
Returns without payment must be completed by 11:59 p.m. CT on the due date. Any return received after this time will be considered late and subject to penalties.
You must use a PC running Windows NT or higher. Internet access is also required.
No. The confirmation number you receive indicates we received your electronic return. Please keep a record of your confirmation number.
The Comptroller's Electronic Reporting Section can solve a variety of software and communications problems. They can be reached every business day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT at 800-442-3453.
The EDI system is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, save for occasional maintenance.
Yes. Your EDI staff can download EDI maps using the ANSI ASC X12 813 transaction set for a specific tax and create your own electronic tax report.
You have three payment options.
EDI payment is offered within the 813 transaction set. This method meets the payment requirement if you're required to pay electronically. If you transmit your tax payment with your report, you must complete the transaction before 2:30 p.m. CT on the last banking business day before the due date.
You must provide your bank information to allow for electronic funds transfer (ACH Debit) from your financial institution to our office. Any payment transmitted after this time will be considered late and subject to penalties.
You can also pay through TEXNET, electronic check or credit card via our Webfile system. Please see TEXNET or Getting Started with Webfile for further information. Using this method meets the payment requirement if you are required to pay electronically. Refer to Who must report (file) and/or pay electronically?
You may pay by check if you are not required to pay electronically. Use the payment coupon provided in our software to remit your check. Payments must be postmarked on or before the due date for the specified tax.