When registering at a Texas public college or university, the approved recipient should notify the school's billing office that he or she will be using the Promise Fund as payment for all or some of the undergraduate resident tuition and schoolwide required fees.
To use available scholarship tuition units awarded by the Foundation, the owner of the linked Promise Fund contract must submit an Approval Request to Use Scholarship Tuition Units (PDF) to the Foundation. The Foundation will work with the Promise Fund program to disburse scholarship tuition units as needed, up to the maximum number available, directly to the school's billing office upon request.
To the extent possible, available tuition units that the Foundation matched in the recipient's linked Promise Fund contract should be used before tuition units in the recipient's scholarship account. The Beneficiary’s parent or legal guardian who applied for the scholarship may contact the Foundation at match.the.promise@cpa.texas.gov for additional information on use of scholarship tuition units.
Note: To use available tuition units in the recipient's linked Promise Fund contract (not the scholarship account), the purchaser must complete the benefit authorization process outlined in the Student Handbook at the Promise Fund website under Quick Links.