The Comptroller’s office announces new live and on-demand training sessions about current popular tax topics. We invite taxpayers and practitioners to participate in quarterly webinars and podcasts that provide in-depth information on tax topics that affect your business today.
Our goal is to provide you with fast and convenient information for your business. Please take a moment to complete our survey.
Continuing education credit is not available for the seminars, webinars or podcasts at this time.
The Texas Comptroller’s office offers sales and use tax seminars across the state throughout the year. New taxpayers are especially encouraged to attend these overviews of tax responsibilities for buyers, sellers and service providers. For locations, dates and times, visit the Taxpayer Seminars webpage.
Do you need help understanding tax responsibilities and would like to learn from the convenience of your home or office? The Comptroller Taxpayer Webinars provide guidance on various common tax questions in a virtual environment. We will add new webinars throughout the year so check back for additional opportunities.
Download all of our podcast episodes to learn more about our office, popular tax topics and other helpful information on the go. Each episode runs between 10 and 15 minutes to fit within your busy schedule. We will add new episodes throughout the year so check back often for new information.
Do you need help understanding your tax responsibilities? Our Taxpayer Videos provide answers to various common tax questions. We will add new videos so check back for additional opportunities.
We also offer video instruction on filing and paying sales tax using Webfile. To view these videos, visit Video Tutorials.