programs Match the Promise

The Future Petroleum Engineer

Connor – future petroleum engineer

Hi, my name is Connor and I want to be a Petroleum Engineer and I was in g.t. or gifted and talented but since I was sick a lot I had to withdraw from school so I am in an online school now and also I built my very own pc.. Petroleum Engineering is something of interest to me because I would be able to travel the world to places like Alaska, South America, Canada, France, and many more countries and cites like for instant Paris or like Prudhoe Bay in Alaska and also the salary. I researched on the Bureau of Labor Statistics and found the average salary for a Petroleum Engineer in 2012 was $130,280 a year, also for a drilling engineer which is a different type of petroleum engineer the salary is $212,000 a year.

I researched on and I found 3 universities in Texas that offer Petroleum Engineering. I would like to study at Texas A&M. I have to have a Bachelors degree to get a job as a Petroleum Engineer and it has to be an ABET accredited university, also you have to have on the job experience to become a petroleum engineer. There is a 26% job growth from 2012-2022 but there is a job decrease now, but I believe when I get out of university there will be a job increase again.

I was looking on Google for engineering jobs and I came across Petroleum Engineering and it caught my eye and I also researched the university that did Petroleum Engineering so I decided to go with Texas A&M.

Connor's essay appears here as written, to preserve the young author’s unique voice and individual writing style. However, we have deleted personally identifiable information to protect the student’s privacy.