All monetary values must be entered using dollars and cents. Do not add a dollar sign or comma. For example, $1,234.56 should be entered as 1234.56.
Total authorized debt and revenue obligations (dollar amount):
Total principal of all outstanding debt and revenue obligations (dollar amount): Total amount borrowed (par) of all obligations that have yet to be repaid.
Combined principal and interest required to pay all outstanding debt and revenue obligations on time and in full (dollar amount): Total amount borrowed (par) that has yet to be repaid plus the cost of interest.
Total authorized debt and revenue obligations secured by ad valorem taxation (dollar amount): Total debt obligations secured by a pledge of property taxes.
Total principal of all outstanding debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation (dollar amount): Total amount borrowed secured by a pledge of property taxes.
Combined principal and interest required to pay all outstanding debt and revenue obligations secured by ad valorem taxation on time and in full (dollar amount): Total amount borrowed (par) of all property tax-secured obligations plus the cost of interest.
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